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Barbara Giacomoni

Director, CFA

After graduating in Business and Economics at the University of Bergamo, she pursued further studies in mathematics and economics first at the University of Leeds (UK) and then at Harvard University (USA). She began her professional activities at Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (1988) in Stockholm leading Nordic financial services group. In 1989 she joined Gruppo Akros, Milan, as a forex and derivatives trader. In 1993 in the Credit Department, responsable for the counterparties risk and managing relations with the supervisory and control bodies. In 2002 she joined SWG – a company in Trieste specialized in market analysis and research – where she was responsible for financial planning and management control. After this experience, she joined the Studio di Commercialisti Associato Dattilo (Milan) and she worked as a consultant in the balance sheet valuation of financial instruments and complex derivatives. From 2006 until July 2023 in Pictet Group, initially in Banque Pictet & Cie (Geneva) and then Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA Italian Branch, working in Business Development and CRM for institutional clients. Non-executive member of the Board of Directors of Anthilia Capital Partners SGR (Alternative Asset Management) since 2021; Chairman of the ESG Committee since its establishment.